What Kind of School does a IT Support Representative Take?

IT support representatives are earning more than you can think of. So, if you are planning to take this field as your profession, you are just on the right track. An average IT support representative earns thousands of pounds per month as they are paid on an hourly wage. This career is expected to grow more in the coming years, and the job vacancies for IT representatives will also increase. Not only that, proper education and degrees are introduced so that students can specialize in the field.

At present, most of the IT representatives have a bachelor’s degree. Around 7 to 9% possess a specialized degree and diploma. After getting your high-school degree you have to find a school IT support to get all the essential knowledge for becoming an IT representative. You can get into this field with the help of

  1. A College Diploma
  2. Apprenticeship
  3. Working as A Trainee

A College Diploma

After your high-school completion business, you will need to admit yourself in a college course where you will learn computing and IT support in different courses such as Level 2 Certificate in ICT Systems Support and Level 3 Diploma in ICT Professional Competence. You can choose one or both for specialized courses. To get the certificate for these courses, you must score a grade A to D in level 2 course and grade A to C in level 3 course. There are a total of 9 qualification levels for different courses starting from entry-level to a doctorate or specialized level.


This is an advanced level study where you have to choose your major subjects related to IT, computing, programming, and coding. When you are in your intermediate/ college level, the most important thing is to choose the majors as they will decide your career further. If you are sure about becoming an IT support representative, then you must choose an advanced apprenticeship. For getting admission in an intermediate program, you will need a GSCE in Math’s, English or 5 GSCEs at grades 9 to 4 along with an English and Math’s certificate.

Working as A Trainee

Another thing you can do for skilled learning is by practicing along with the studies. While you are enrolled in a specialization course or apprenticeship program, you can start working as a trainee or technician under a professional. Of course, you cannot work in a company without a degree or diploma, but you can work as an intern. Working alongside your studies will help you polish your IT skills by making you professional even before you step in the profession.

once you complete your schooling and practicing, you will need some additional skills as well. You will have to learn problem-solving skills, networking skills, and training skills as well. You will be required to work in collaboration with other teams with an analytical approach to deal with any customer or network issue. Managing your day to day tasks will be your priority. Only then you can proudly call yourself a successful and knowledgeable IT support business representative.



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