How Experts Create an Effective Social Media Strategy?

social media marketing

Raising brand awareness and generating qualified leads is important before you gain a following. But before that, it is essential to create an effective data-backed strategy to direct your efforts in the right direction. Experts on social media employ some unique strategies to create a robust and working social media strategy. Keep on reading to find out how.

Make Goals That Are Business-Driven

Before you start acting, ask yourself, what do you want to accomplish through your posts? Do you want more audience engagement or do you want to sell through your posts? Establishing these goals will pave the way for you to take further actions. While making your social media marketing goals, be specific and make goals that are measurable and relevant to your business. Social media marketing companies in London recommend the use of video content as it has shown to produce the highest engagement rates.

Know Your Audience

It takes time and research to properly understand what your audience wants. However, with so many social media platforms available, getting to know all your audience is not possible. The key here is to choose the right networks for your business that allow growth. Furthermore, different social media platforms can be used to target audience from different demographics, for example, Facebook is best for targeting young people and LinkedIn can be reserved for targeting people above 40.

See What Your Competitors Are Doing

It is always a good idea to analyse the market and have inspiration from your competitors. There is nothing wrong with leaning on your competitor’s ideas if you think it is going to work for you. This also makes sense because your competitors who are already in the industry are more experienced than you are in captioning and styling the posts. Get as many ideas for making your content visual and appealing by learning from your competitors. Now that does not mean that you have to mimic their ideas, rather you should learn from what they are doing.

Create Unique and Rich Content

Remember that you and your competitor may be selling the same brand but both of you will have different brand identities, and unique brand identity is formed by unique content. High-quality content lies at the core of social media marketing. Quality content has always shown to have increased engagement rates and sales. There are many ways you can deploy your content e.g. videos, GIFs, photos, SVG infographics, plain text statuses, giveaways, articles, and polls

Have A Consistent Schedule

Most people ignore the fact that there is a right time to post your content. Since Google has changed its algorithm to filter out quality content, many other social media platforms have followed suit. The algorithm now favours consistent users. When you post your content, make sure that you are posting future content at the same time to ensure that your audience doesn’t get confused and lose interest.


Knowing your goals and the needs of your audience is essential for creating a working social media strategy. While it is true that ideas from your competitors can give inspiration, unique and original content will project a unique brand identity for your business.

Read: Building your social media marketing strategy for 2021


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